A.R. Johnson Auditorium Renovation
A.R. Johnson Auditorium Renovation

Project Name:              A.R. Johnson Auditorium Renovation

Location:                      Augusta, GA

Contract Amount:        $1.5M

Size:                              15,000 sq. ft.

CCCI PN:                       373


Owner:                          Richmond County Board of Education

Design Professional:   Studio 3 Design Group


Project Description:     Copper Construction Company, Inc. (CCCI) served as the prime contractor on this renovation project.  Work included the renovation of the existing gymnasium into a new auditorium, installation of new bathrooms, sloped floors for auditorium, data and communications, and power for computers for all training desks in the auditorium area, new low voltage lighting, new power, new exposed HVAC ductwork in sheetrock clouds hung from roof bar joists, new flooring, and new entries into the building.