Project Name: B310 Chiller Replacement
Location: Fort Gordon, GA
Contract Amount: $4.4M
Size: Not Applicable
CCCI PN: 529
Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Design Professional: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Project Description: Copper Construction Company, Inc. (CCCI) served as a mechanical and electrical subcontractor on this renovation project. Work consisted of upgrading the three (3) existing failing chillers and pumps. CCCI installed two (2) new 1,050-ton chillers and one (1) 500-ton chiller along with associated piping and controls. We also replaced three (3) split-cased chilled water distribution pumps. The electrical consisted of new medium voltage cable to the chillers and three (3) new VFDs to the chilled water pumps. To perform this work while the plant remained operational, CCCI installed temporary chillers and piping.