Project Name:              Repair/Replace Steam Lines

Location:                      Fort Gordon, GA

Contract Amount:        $1.4M

Size:                              Not Applicable

CCCI PN:                       489


Owner:                           U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Design Professional:    Stanley Consultants


Project Description: Copper Construction Company, Inc. (CCCI) served as a turn-key subcontractor on this underground piping project.  CCCI teamed with Stanley Consultants to provide the mechanical design.  CCCI also teamed with Pond and Company to provide the erosion control design.  Work included the installation of new Class A double wall steam piping from the existing pits to Buildings 315, 317, and 319.  CCCI performed all phases of construction including, erosion control, excavation, installation of piping, backfilling, and mechanical room repairs.  The only subcontractors utilized on this project were sodding and installation of sidewalks.
