Roof and Related Repairs to AACOA

Project Name:              Roof and Related Repairs to AACOA

Location:                      Elkhart, IN

Contract Amount:        $3.3M

Size:                              300,000 sq. ft.

CCCI PN:                       496


Owner:                           AACOA, Inc. (Bonnell Aluminum)

Design Professional:   Not Applicable


Project Description: Copper Construction Company, Inc. (CCCI) served as the prime contractor on this repairs project.  The facility was damaged by a micro storm which lifted certain portions of the roof.  This was a challenging project due to plant remaining operational during repairs.  CCCI had to work over chemicals, equipment, and plant personnel.  We achieved replacing the damaged portions of the roof by installing a custom-built safety netting system in the bar joists below the roof that caught any construction debris and served as a safety barrier between our work and the plant operations.  We removed and replaced 28,000 sq. ft. of roofing and we sprayed a rigid roof coating over the new roof areas.  Repairs were made to bar joists.